Have you ever considered the importance of generational blessings? Jane Ann and I recently received a letter from some very dear friends we met in Juarez, Mexico some thirty plus years ago while on a mission trip there. We have maintained contact with them through the years and they continue to be an inspiration to us! Pastors Andy and Virginia Paschal are now in their early nineties and are still passionately involved in fulfilling the Great Commission. They now live in North Carolina but have remained diligent to the work they started in Juarez. Andy and Virginia were both married and served in Mexico with their respective spouses. (Yes, they were married, but not to one another.) Both their spouses died, leaving him a widower and her widow. God’s grace brought them together and they have been serving him in unity ever since! When we think about their story, we are strengthened by their courage, faithfulness and devotion. Together they established three churches in El Paso and four others in Juarez. I spoke with Andy just a few days ago as he and Virginia were preparing to return to Juarez to visit one of the churches. Pastor Andy and Virginia, we know you will be reading this letter. Jane Ann and I want to honor you and thank you for the generations you have influenced on behalf of Jesus Christ and for your passion to share the Gospel.